
We submit a report to the parish council in May of each year for the annual parish meeting.

Annual Report for Ringshall Parish Council – May 2024

We are, this year, celebrating thirty years since the hall was opened in October 1994.
We are proud that our thirty year old hall is in good condition, well maintained and is modern and up to date.  This fact is testament to the dedication of the committee members throughout the years.
Ringshall Village Hall is an asset for the use of residents of the parish and for the wider community.
RVHMC endeavour to maximise the use of the hall and accordingly host regular hirers and private hire events. In addition the committee organise various events throughout the year.

Our Clubs and Hirers
 This includes the Line Dancing Club, Table Tennis Club, Art Club, Dog Training Club, Craft Club and Ringshall Amateur Theatrical Society.  Additionally we will be commencing Pilates classes in conjunction with ActiveSuffolk.
The regular hirers provide us with a relatively stable income and their support is invaluable.
The playing field will, for the forthcoming season, be used by Needham Phoenix junior team for their Sunday home matches.  As a bonus their contractor will prepare and maintain the pitch, including mowing it fortnightly.  Not only will this arrangement bring in payment for each match that they play but will also reduce the load on the RVH grass cutting volunteers.

Committee Members
Over the course of the last twelve months our previous secretary retired to pursue other interests and commitments.  Helen Nunn has taken up the post bringing a wealth of experience.
New members have joined and we now have a committee whose members have a diverse range of ages, skills and experience.  This, we consider, will allow us to serve better the community.
The Committee is as follows:

Brian Robertson – Joint Chairperson 

Liz Hitchcock – Joint Chairperson
Lacey Luther – Treasurer 

Helen Nunn – Secretary
Angie Rogers – Booking Clerk            

Julie Smith
Amanda Jones                    

Abi Smith
Emma Cribbs                    

Debbie Jarrold

Finances and Banking
Our reserves remain healthy due to a combination of undertaking fundraising activities to boost funds, purchasing items needed for the Hall competitively and running the bar to increase our income.
Our funds at the bank are currently approximately £38,000.  We are arranging to place some of our funds into an interest paying account.
We now have online banking up and running and are also utilising a digital invoicing system.  These changes together have simplified the management of our finances.

The continuing success of the hall is due to the efforts of all those who give of their time voluntarily.  This includes members of the committee together with other residents of the village.
We extend our thanks to all of them for their time, effort and support.

Since our last report to the parish council we have arranged and organised a number of events, including some in the forthcoming months.
June 23– Coronation celebrations
November 23 – Christmas Fayre
June 24 – D day commemoration.
June 24 – 30th. Birthday celebration.
Jun 24 – Farmers market and classic vehicle show.
November 24 – Christmas Fayre
December 24 – Christmas wreath making class.

Future Proofing
We have continued to invest in the hall to ensure that it is well maintained with up to date equipment and facilities.
Sections of the roof had been leaking for a few years and we therefore arranged for repairs to be carried out during the summer.
A roller shutter has been installed at the kitchen hatch.
The kitchen ‘fridge/freezer has been replaced.
A replacement vacuum cleaner now resides in the cleaner’s cupboard.  After many years of sterling service the previous one expired.
We also have a clothing bank for a trial period, located adjacent to the bottle banks.

RVHMC – May 2024      



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