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News articles

A Testimonial

From time to time we receive praise for our village hall.

Roof Repairs

Regular users of the hall may have noticed that there have been water stains on the ceiling for quite some time. The leaky sections of the roof have…

The kitchen shutter

In line with our policy of maintaining the hall to a high standard, modernising and updating as necessary we have recently fitted a roller shutter to…

The Coronation

On Saturday June 6th. was the coronation of King Charles III. In honour of the occasion we laid on an afternoon and evening social event.

Annual report.

Annually we submit a report to the parish council giving details of our activities during the year. A copy of the text is below.

Thai Takeaway

* CANCELLED * The Thai takeaway truck will be visiting the village hall on 22nd. April 2023

Maureen and John

A tribute to John and his late wife Maureen, both long term members of the management committee.

Our New Booking Clerk

Angie has taken over the role of booking clerk from Lacey.

Hearing Loop

We now have a hearing loop in the hall. Additionally our sound system has been upgraded.

Play Area

The play area is not open yet. The gates are locked and there are notices on the fence which clearly state that the area is not be used.