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Can I use an outside bar rather than the village hall one?

No. You are not permitted to sell alcohol in the village hall or surrounding grounds.

The sale of alcohol is not permitted except from the village hall bar.

You can bring alcohol onto the premises and give it to your guests free of charge or they can bring their own alcohol for their own consumption.

If the castle is designed specifically for use indoors (and has only been used indoors) it can be used in our hall.  Please ensure that the underside of the castle is clean.

 We do not permit outdoor bouncy castles or the like within the hall due to the risk of damage to the floor from contamination on the bottom of the castle.

Can we have the band/disco anywhere in the hall?


The only place for music is at the north end of the hall (the playing field end).

Amplifiers and the like must only be plugged into the two twin sockets on the end wall.

This is to prevent nuisance to our neighbours, also to make it easier for our bar staff to communicate with customers.

You should also be aware that there are maximum permitted noise levels which must not be exceeded.  We will monitor the noise levels and advise you if they need to be reduced.  Full details can be found in the hire agreement and conditions of hiring.

What should I do with my broken glass pieces that won't fit through the aperture in the bottle bank?

Take it back home with you.

Don't just leave it propped against the side of the bottle bank for someone else to dispose of.

How can I pay for hire of the hall?

We prefer electronic payments (BACS).

If you are unable to make electronic payments we will accept cash or cheque.

Refunds of security deposits will be by BACS to the account from which you made payment or by cheque if your original payment was not electronic.



Yes. We prefer all payments to be electronic.

In fact we encourage payment by card for bar sales.

We also accept BACS payments.


I have questions about the play area, who should I contact?

Although the play area is on the village hall playing field it is the responsibility of the Parish Council.

You should, in the first instance, contact the parish clerk. pc.ringshall(at)

What should I do if the bottle banks are full / almost full?

Please call the number which is on the container and ask for the banks to be emptied.  Location is Ringshall Village Hall and postcode is IP14 2JB.

When will the hall be re-opening?

The village hall is open.

The covid restrictions were removed on 24/2/2022 however we are continuing to maintain a number of the measures that were previously employed.

For example the one way system is still in place and we recommend that it is used wherever possible.

Current advice is that masks should continue to be worn in enclosed spaces, primarily for the protection of more vulnerable people.

The sanitation stations remain.

Further details can be found HERE and HERE.



Ringshall Village Hall is covid compliant.

Although the covid restrictions were removed on 24/2/2022 we recommend that users of the hall should continue to observe the precautions to reduce the risk of spreading infection.

Measures are in place to maintain social distancing including a one way system with entry through the front doors and exit via the french doors.

Gel sanitiser stations are in place at various locations within the hall.

Use of the toilets is restricted to one person at a time.

Guidance posters are located in the front lobby.


Because we are usng a different CMS.

The software that we were using previousely was good for simple websites but for anything more sophisticated required a knowledge of coding.

Both programs have their strengths and weaknesses but overall the new one seems to be more suitable for us.

Details are HERE

Details are HERE

No.  It is for use by patrons of the hall.  We also allow the school to use our car park.

From time to time we may allow others to use the car park with our explicit permission.

Unauthorised vehicles left in the car park run the risk of being reported as abandoned.

No.  What makes you think that we want your rubbish?

Doing so is an offence, fly tipping, and we will take action against anyone identified doing so.

Be aware that our CCTV is operational and that we do retain the recordings.

You could join our cleaning or grass cutting rota.

There are always odd jobs that need doing.

You could assist at some of the events that we organise.

Your best bet would be to contact any of the committee members initially.  Details are HERE

Yes, if you are a non-resident there is a charge for the bar.

The charge for residents is discretionary.

Part of the money raised by the charge will be used to compensate the volunteers who give up their free time to man the bar and part will go to the village hall funds.

Yes ------ but only until 11:00 p.m.

You should also be aware that there are mandatory noise levels that must not be exceeded.  During your event we will monitor the noise level and advise you if the volume needs to be reduced.