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Hirers are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that our conditions of hiring are made known to anyone that they employ for or to whom they delegate arrangements for their event e.g. Disco, party/wedding planner or similar.

The hirer remains responsible for ensuring that such employees / delegates comply with our conditions of hiring.

Hirers are also reminded of their responsibility to ensure that noise levels do not exceed the maxima detailed in our Conditions of Hiring. Failure to do so may result in retention of all or part of the security deposit.

Hiring our Hall

To hire our hall or to check availability you will need to contact our booking clerk. 

This can be by email:-


or use this form

or by 'phone on


Please note that the hiring telephone number is changed.


We always endeavour to reply to you within 72 hours.

An enquiry submitted via our feedback form is not acceptable.

If you need further information about the hall and cannot find it on the website please

use this form

and we will get back to you.

(Note that you cannot use the form to check availability or to hire the hall.)

You will need to complete, sign and return our hiring agreement together with your deposit.

Note that until your deposit and completed, signed form are received your event will not be entered into our diary.

Payment:- our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer (BACS).

If you are unable to make electronic payments we will accept cash or cheque (made payable to RVHMC).

You should also note the timescale for receipt of the balance of the hiring fee together with the security deposit.  If these are not received in time then you may not be permitted to use the hall.

Our current hire charges are shown on the right of this page.

Ringshall Village Hall is licenced for the sale of alcohol and we have a well stocked bar.

(please note that the sale of alcohol by the hirer or other parties is not permitted.)

We accept that hirers may wish to provide their own drinks for toasts and to welcome guests to their event however for other alcoholic drinks we would expect hirers to patronise our bar.  (income from the bar is a valuable contribution to our funds, which are needed to operate and maintain the village hall).

Hirers are reminded that when the village hall bar is open it is not permitted for hirers own alcoholic drinks to be consumed. Only drinks purchased from the village hall bar may be consumed.

It is the hirers responsibility to ensure that their guests comply with the above.
In the event that alcoholic drinks not bought from the village hall bar are consumed the hirer will forfeit part or all of their security deposit in lieu of corkage.

For the avoidance of doubt our policy is not negotiable and will be enforced. Our decision will be final.

Users of our hall should be aware that the only way to control the air conditioning is by means of the controllers situated near the doors.  Individual units must not be switched off.  This will cause an error condition and will prevent the system from operating.  Additionally an engineer's visit may be necessary to reset the system and for this a £200.00 call out fee will be charged to the hirer of the hall.

Wedding Package

For a Saturday wedding reception you will need to purchase our wedding package.  This includes use of the hall from 1:00 p.m. Friday to prepare, use of the hall all day Saturday* for your reception and hire of the hall from 8:00 a.m. until mid-day on the Sunday to clear up.

Also included is use of our bar on the Saturday serving reasonably priced drinks.  Hours to be agreed.

Cost:- Residents £1000.00 plus £150 for our bar. :: Non-residents £1500.00 plus £150 for our bar.

Above rates apply for all bookings made after 1st. September 2024.

(a deposit of £200.00 Will be required to secure the booking)

* 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 p.m.  (Music to stop at 11:00 p.m)

(27th. August 2024 - rates for wedding package increased and charge for bar added )


Hire charges for non-residents were increased by 10% commencing 1st. January 2024.

Firm bookings made before 1/1/24 will be charged at the rate prevailing at the time of booking.


  Residents Non-Residents
Cost/hour £5.50 £12.10
Maximum Charge £55.00 £121.00

Weekends and bank holidays

  Residents Non-Residents
Cost/hour £11.00 £24.20
Maximum Charge £110.00 £242.00


Please note that when the hall is hired on a Friday and Saturday for a private function both days will be charged at the weekend rate.

If you are intending to hire the hall for a Saturday wedding reception you will need our wedding package. See left for details.


Bank holidays will be charged at the weekend rate.

Our hire agreement can be viewed here. (updated 20-9-2023)

Our conditions of hiring can be viewed here. (updated 10-6-2024)

Emergency plan for the temporary responsible person can be viewed here. (first issue 8-11-2021)